Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Old School Yosemite

Names associated with sites in Yosemite changed recently due to a lawsuit with the old Yosemite concessionaire. For us Yosemite old timers it is difficult as the names we are used to have changed, The Awahanee Hotel is now the Majestic Hotel, Curry Village is now Half Dome Village.
It would be like New York City being copyrighted and could not be used anymore and the new name was Bob. The two sides need to come to an agreement and get back to the old names.

With that being said we had dinner Sunday night at the Awahanee Hotel, aka Majestic Hotel, for my wife's birthday. If you ever get to Yosemite you need to see the Awahanee Hotel. The architecture and the history make it a must see. Go to the room with the fireplaces and then go to the dinning room. It is not a suggestion but a must see.

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